In peanut terms, the almond fruit is not a nut; it is an elongated or flattened fruit stone covered in velvety hair; its green casing splits along its length, freeing the fruit stone which contains the seed, which is the edible portion of the almond.
The almond is one of the richest foods in nutritious natural fibers, more than twice that of other nuts. It contains a very high level of protein, vitamins, calcium and a wide variety of anti-oxidants. This merger of nutritional components under one hat in the Israeli almond produces a luxurious, natural and healthy food that can be integrated into every menu.
Shaked Hagalil Common Agricultural Union (a subsidiary of Nir Agricultural Works), in collaboration with Shakdei Hagalil, grows commercial strains of almond orchards across the Lower Galilee and hilly regions of Israel, in full cooperation with growers, from raising of the crops to final mechanized sorting.
Types: Um el Fahm (Hassan) and fertilized strains of almons, such as 53 (Kochba), 54, Pat Nafeh , Gilad and Sheffa.
The company has extensive experience in the providing of cleaning, shelling, cracking, sorting and packing services for almonds (packed in vacuum packs to ensure freshness and quality of almonds over time), using the most advanced global agricultural technology, with optimal maintenance of almond quality.
Nir Agricultural Works, Ltd., markets to major marketing networks and to all leading roasting houses in Israeland Europe.